The Style Invitational Week 867 Back in the saddle
Saturday, May 1, 2010; C02
Right on Derby Day, as we
bring you the results of our 16th annual foal names contest, it's also time to
milk another contest from it for our seventh annual "grandfoals"
Given that we don't have as
much space on this page for entries as we used to, we're going to expand the
field a bit, as suggested by Horse Name Obsessive Russell Beland, who suggested
the grandfoals contest to begin with.
This week: "Breed"
any two of the "foals" in today's results -- OR one foal with one of
the actual horses used in today's entries (either in this column or in the
Web-only supplement; this gives you more than 100 names to work with) -- and
name the "grandfoal." Once again, the name cannot exceed 18
characters, including spaces, and your entry shouldn't come close to
duplicating any of today's results. Once again, we're limiting your personal
field to 25 entries. And they will not be single-spaced unless you want the
Empress to give up on them.
Winner gets the Inker, the
official Style Invitational trophy. Second place gets a large yellow
terry-cloth bath duck-motif mat that (we think unintentionally) looks like
either a squashed bath toy or a baby bird rolled on by a tractor. Donated by
the ducky Denise Sudell of Washington as the non-Loser price of admission to
the Losers' holiday party.
Other runners-up win their
choice of a coveted Style Invitational Loser T-shirt or yearned-for Loser Mug.
Honorable Mentions get one of the lusted-after Style Invitational Loser
Magnets. First Offenders get a smelly, tree-shaped air "freshener"
(Fir Stink for their First Ink). One prize per entrant per week. Send your
entries by e-mail to or by fax to 202-334-4312. Deadline is
Monday, May 10. Put "Week 867" in the subject line of your e-mail, or
it risks being ignored as spam. Include your name, postal address and phone
number with your entry. Contests are judged on the basis of humor and
originality. All entries become the property of The Washington Post. Entries
may be edited for taste or content. Results to be published May 29. No purchase
required for entry. Employees of The Washington Post, and their immediate
relatives, are not eligible for prizes. Pseudonymous entries will be
disqualified. The revised title for next week's results is by Kevin Dopart;
this week's honorable-mentions subheads are by Christopher Lamora (below) and
John O'Byrne (the Web supplement).
Report from Week 863: Our perennially popular contest to "breed" any two names on
a list of 100 thoroughbreds eligible for this year's Triple Crown races and to
name the "foal" (even though virtually all the horses are male): Upon
reading the almost 3,000 entries to this contest from 349 people -- good thing
we put in that limit of 25 entries per person -- the Empress realized with a
certain dismay that only 2,700 or so were not very clever, funny or
distinctive. So to give the Losers their virtual due, and to amuse the readers
who'd like to puzzle out even more of these names, she has posted a supplement
of more honorable mentions.
The winner of the Inker
Worth a Buck x Switch = Susan
Be Anthony (Pam Sweeney, St. Paul, Minn.)
2. the winner of the
itty-bitty Stonehenge model:
Preamble x Kollege = Us the
People (Mark Hagenau, Derry, N.H.)
3.Shrimp Dancer x Crisp =
Fried Astaire (Cy Gardner, Arlington)
4. D' Funnybone x Lethal
Combination = MansLaughter (Jeff Contompasis, Ashburn)
The Losers' Circle: Honorable Mentions
Alcindor x Switch = Kareem of
the Crop (Jan Brandstetter, Mechanicsville, Md.)
Wow Wow Wow x Prizefighting =
Ow Ow Ow (Kathy Hardis Fraeman, Olney)
First Dude x Stay Put =
Impalin (Jonathan Paul, Garrett Park)
Nextdoorneighbor x Biloxi =
Near Miss. (Kevin Dopart, Washington)
Beethoven x Lethal
Combination = OD to Joy (Steve Price, New York)
Call Shot x Odysseus = Trojan
HORSE (*John Winant, Arlington)
Chief Counsel x Super Saver =
Clearance Darrow (Cy Gardner)
Chief Counsel x Excessive
Passion = Law and Ardor (Lois Douthitt, Arlington)
Dublin x Liquidity Event =
You're A-Peein' (*Trevor Kerr, Chesapeake, Va.)
Colonel Mustard x Liquidity
Event = Dijon the Baptist (Kurt Stahl, Frederick)
Enclosure x Overcommunication
= Pen & Teller (Ellen Hill, Rockville)
Endorsement x Enclosure
= Okay Corral (Chris Doyle, Ponder, Tex.; Russell Thompson, Cary, N.C.)
Excessive Passion x Close to
the Edge = Lust Horizon (Christopher Lamora, Arlington)
Fenway Faithful x Ice Box =
Ted's Head (Mike Hammer, Arlington; Ellen Raphaeli, Falls Church)
First Dude x Switch = The
Twig Lebowski (*Sharon Disque, Frederick)
Backtalk x Deep Darkness =
Lip Styx (Steve Shapiro, Alexandria)
Make Music for Me x She Be
Wild = My Feral Lady (Susan Thompson, Cary, N.C.)
Tiny Woods x Make Music for
Me = Copse on the Beat (Malcolm Fleschner, Palo Alto, Calif.)
Tiny Woods x Scuba Diver =
Tiger in Your Tank (Mark Eckenwiler, Washington)
Johore x Worth a Buck = Jo
Mama (M.C. Dornan, Scottsdale, Ariz.)
Odysseus x Liquidity Event =
Penelope Pitstop (Andrew Hoenig, Rockville)
Overcommunication x Marching
Tune = 2Much in Formation (David Smith, Santa Cruz, Calif.)
Preamble x Walking the Beach
= Constitutional (*Christopher Jones, Vienna)
Call Shot x Odysseus = The
Babe's Homer (Roy Ashley, Washington)
Privilaged x Kollege =
Misspelt Youth (John Murphy, Herndon)
Prizefighting x Chief Counsel
= Boxers and Briefs (Kathy Hardis Fraeman)
Prizefighting x Raging Wit =
Joke LaMotta (Larry Yungk, Arlington; Kathy Hardis Fraeman)
Radiohead x Nacho Friend =
Marconi and Cheese (Russell Beland, Fairfax)
Saw Perfection x Canthavehim
= She Settled for Me (Craig Dykstra, Centreville)
Silenced x Black Snowflake =
Unspeakable Filth (Tom Kreitzberg, Silver Spring)
Stay Put x Beethoven = Don't
Roll Over (Laurie Brink, Cleveland, Mo.)
Noah's Dream x She Be Wild =
Land Ho (*Jennifer Birsa, Glenwood, Md.)
Spangled Star x Ashore =
Francis Scott Quay (Rick Haynes, Potomac)
Twirling Candy x Nacho Friend
= La Dolce Velveeta (Jay Shuck, Minneapolis)
*A First Offender
Next week: Oonerspisms, or Switchcraft
Coming up on the outside: More honorable-mention foal names from Style
Invitational Week 863
Saturday, May 1, 2010;
As clever as each of these
combinations of "parents" is in itself, it's especially fun to see
how a single horse name can be "bred" to a series of others to
produce a set of variations on a theme. So take a look at the Empress's
comments on the results of Week 863 in the online discussion group The Style
Conversational, and you can see a six puns on "We the People," a
half-dozen on "Ode to Joy," and even a string of entries that all
happened to feature the word "copse." -- The E
Note: Both the real horse
names and the "foal" names -- but not two real names -- may be
combined for the Week 867 contest.
Alcindor x Backtalk = Lew's
Lips (Peter Ostrander, Rockville)
Aspire x Fenway Faithful =
Hope Diamond (Mae Scanlan, Washington)
Backtalk x Wow Wow Wow = woW
woW woW (Jeff Contompasis, Ashburn; Trevor Kerr, Chesapeake, Va., a First
Blind Luck x Saw Perfection =
Braille Centerfold (Craig Dykstra, Centreville)
Down With Dixie x Interactif
= Soixante-Neuf (Harvey Smith, McLean)
Beethoven x Chief Counsel =
Take the Fifth (John Winant, Arlington; Beryl Benderly, Washington)
Beethoven x A Little Warm =
Moonlight Arsonata (Mark Hagenau, Derry, N.H.)
Beethoven x Get a Grip = Ode
to Joystick (Paul Kocak, Syracuse, N.Y.)
Biloxi x Boisterous =
MississippiBurping (Dave Zarrow, Reston)
Bravo Whiskey x Thousand
Excuses = Jack Denials (Larry Yungk, Arlington)
Bulls and Bears x Black
Snowflake = Second Sooty (Tom Witte, Montgomery Village)
Catch Twenty Two x Marching
Tune = Conundrumming (Jeremy Levin, Washington, a First Offender)
Colonel Mustard x Liquidity
Event = In de John (David McCreedy, Alexandria)
Dryfly x Down With Dixie =
YKKK (Stephen Dudzik, Olney)
Dublin x In the Paint = Eire
Jordan (Bernard Brink, Cleveland, Mo.)
Endorse x Overcommunication =
Ad Infinitum (Barbara Turner, Takoma Park)
Excessive Passion
x Endorsement = Zeal of Approval (Chris Doyle, Ponder, Tex.)
Get a Grip x Pleasant Prince
= SqueezeTheCharming (Bryan Crain, Modesto, Calif.; Christopher Lamora,
Homeboykris x Switch =
Jorgensen (Mark Eckenwiler, Washington)
Homeboykris x Leaving New
York = Giuliani's Dream (Dion Black, Washington)
Ice Box x Stay Put = Iglue
(Kurt Stahl, Frederick)
Ice Box x Pleasant Prince =
Frigid Heir (Susan Thompson, Cary, N.C.; May Jampathom, Oakhusrt, N.J.; Judy
Blanchard, Novi, Mich)
Ice Box x Tiny Woods = Shiver
Me Timbers (Laura Bennett Peterson, Washington)
Make Music for Me x
Overcommunication = Lady BlahBlah (Judy Blanchard)
Marching Tune x Bravo Whiskey
= John Philip Souse (Steve Price, New York; J.B. Richardson, Falls Church; Mike
Gips, Bethesda)
Mr. Saturdaynight x Liquidity
Event = Milton Boil (Steve Price)
Odysseus x Excessive Passion
= Broke the Trojans (Mark Eckenwiler)
Overcommunication x
Prizefighting = Chatterbox (Elizabeth Wesman, Hendersonville, N.C., a First
Overcommunication x Stay Put
= Biden Time (Larry Yungk)
Prizefighting x Biloxi = Hit
and Miss. (Kathy Hardis Fraeman, Olney)
Psychic Income x
Extraextraordinary = Medium Rare (Christopher Lamora)
Radiohead x Drive Home = OK
Commuter (Malcolm Fleschner; Kurt Stahl; Trevor Kerr)
Scuba Diver x Ice Box = Lloyd
Fridges (Russell Beland, Fairfax)
She Be Wild x Nacho Friend =
Wenchilada (Mae Scanlan)
Shrimp Dancer x Down With
Dixie = Pee-wee Sherman (Kevin Dopart, Washington)
Super Saver x Bulls and Bears
= Outlet Maul (Kurt Stahl)
Super Saver x Nacho Friend =
Good Buy, Mr Chips (Jonathan Paul, Garrett Park; Kathy Hardis Fraeman)
Utopian x
Excessive Passion = Paradise Lust (Chris Doyle)
Walkin' the Beach x Crisp =
SPF-ffffft! (Lois Douthitt, Arlington)